I do pity you young men who read this blog. It has to be very boring most of the time, as it’s mostly written from a girl to other young women. But then I reckon it’s your problem, if you still follow!

Anyway, here we go again ladies!

In my many and long years here on earth, (jk!) I have come across three different groups of husband-seekers. No, that would be the wrong term, because not all of them can be classified as such. We’ll say women-in-waiting. Does that sound better?

These three groups are: Dreamers, Expecters, and Requirers.

By far, Dreamers boasts the most members. These young women start early, a lot of times while still girls, fantasy dreaming about their wedding, their man, and their future home (they probably don’t even get to the home part, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt). They view every male aquaintance as a prospect. They take certain characters and dream up a life with them. They imagine.
Then we have the Requirers: the other extreme. These don’t dream. They are very factual. They have a whole long check list for any man that ever comes along with a mind to court them. Nothing short is acceptable. Whether it be biblical charateristics, good charater traits, or simply female passions, they’re all there. And with a good heart and true mind they trust God to supply this perfect man.
Just as their are always extremes, I am overjoyed to anounce that a few straggling balanced souls can be found in the midst. In this case I believe these to be the Expectors. Unlike the dreamers who have no expectations and the requirers who have all expectations and a little more, these simply have their own expectations sub-catagorized to God’s expectations. They aren’t leaving God out of the deal and they aren’t putting Him in a box either. They know what they’d like to see in their man and they’re confidant that he will posess those traits, yet they know that their expetations do not matter in the long run, because God already has their man set apart. Whether he fits their expectations or not, they know that He will fit the expectations that God has both for him and theirself.

As a side issue, I had heard by more than one person that God has his good, his better, and his best. So when seeking his will, it’s not like a dot on the page. His will is the page, and then like a target we have bulls eye and everything short of it. I applied this theology to the subject of discerning your future mate and needless to say, I found myself very troubled. I decided that if this belief was true, I would never be able to say “yes” to any man, because I would never know if he was God’s best. What would it be like to give yourself to a man your whole life long and inevitably wonder the entire time if someone better was waiting right out of reach and you missed your chance? As I learned to trust Christ in every area, this one came right along with all the rest. I am no longer troubled, and I’m not worried, because I know that God has my man, *the* man, 😉 stowed away somewhere, waiting for His perfect timing.

Now with this arises another issue, one of which I myself am not quite settled yet (can you believe it?!). Does this apply to the man as well, or is He to follow Bible customs of going out and seeking a wife? Is he to sit back and wait for God to bring His best into his life, or is he to go find her. If he is to go find her, does not it simply enact the typical dating method? Is it lack of initiative in playing the man’s role the other way around?
So maybe the men folk do play into this. 🙂

Just a little food for thought and bit of provocation to the mind.